This workshop is for schoolchildren of nursery, primary and secondary schools, and the contents and methodology are different according to the age of the children.
Where does milk come from? What can be obtained from milk? Why is milk such a precious food? The workshop “From milk to cheese” will answer these questions. During the workshop we will pay attention to the most useful and curious aspects of milk, from milking to the production of cheese. Schoolchildren will become “dairymen” and will be able to manipulate the product.
- Life history of cows. What do cows eat? How must cows be bred, in order to obtain good milk?
- Tour of the shed and possibility for the children to milk a cow
- Machine milking
- Analysis of some of the features of milk
- The dairyman’s tools
- What can we obtain from milk? Detailed analysis of the stages of production of cheese and subsequent milk and cheese making (practical activity carried out by each child)
- From milk we also obtain butter ... stages of butter making Each child will be able to take home the obtained product.
The whole day with picnic lunch 13 EUROS
The whole day inclusive of warm lunch 18 EUROS
(first course - second course - bread - fruit - water)
Half day with picnic lunch 10 EUROS
Half day inclusive of warm lunch 15 EUROS
Morning snack and educational materials are at our expense.