The workshop lasts the whole day and is recommended for schoolchildren of primary schools. A more detailed workshop is suitable for pupils of secondary schools.
Orienteering, or “Sport of the woods”, consists in completing a pre-established route, passing through several particular spots in the territory, with the help of a compass and a map, on which there are the details of the place, represented by conventional symbols.
Before starting the trip, maps of the wood are given to the groups. The departure and the arrival, the several places that have to be reached, by freely choosing the way to follow, are represented on the map.
In the wood we can carry out several amusing activities ...
1. the ability of observation
2. the concept of time and space
3. motor coordination
4. concentration
5. the ability of choosing
6. autonomy
7. team spirit
8. the admission of one’s abilities and limits
- Introduction of the topic. What does orienteering mean?
- Compass, map and most important conventional symbols
- Practical exercise
- Let’s go to the wood: formation of the groups following the teachers’ instructions
- Distribution of the materials needed for the trip
- ... Ready, steady, go!
The total time to carry out the workshop will be calculated according to the age of the participants.
Trainers and spare socks, cap, k-way, bottle of water
The whole day with picnic lunch 13 EUROS
The whole day inclusive of warm lunch 18 EUROS
(first course - second course - bread - fruit - water)
Morning snack and educational materials are at our expense.